Do you believe in love? Guys, stop talking “My love, my princess, my queen!” Become my prince, my king, show me what you can do for me if you like me! I need good regular sex for health ( because orgasm is the key to health )and tokens for my very new-born son, I need expensive mixtures, because I don't have enough milk, because I don't eat enough. services of a children's doctor , insurance,.. I need not only your penises, but also your care, please be attentive to my wishes, show generosity, because I spend your tokens not only on my beauty (I don't drink or use anything), I just like any mother and parent take care of a child. which is completely innocent. do you know what a pleasure it is to wake up and realize that you are loved and needed in this huge world - that someone really needs you ... OF COURSE, you want to find your love, with whom you could spend your old age sitting in a warm chair by the fireplace, holding hands and telling each other funny stories.
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